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Taking Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) - For Wellness

PABA is also called as the para-aminobenzoic acid or the 4-aminobenzoic acid is made of an organic constituent with the molecular formula C7H7N02. PABA is considered as a crystalline substance and it is slightly soluble in water. It consists of a benzene ring combined with an amino group and a carboxylic acid.

Para-aminobenzoic acid is considered as an essential vitamin for some bacteria and it is termed as Vitamin Bx. PABA is not considered essential for human health and therefore it is not termed as vitamin. Human beings lack from the capability to activate folate from PABA and hence in some circumstances it is considered as a vital nutrient for the stimulation of the intestinal bacteria.

Para-aminobenzoic acid helps in improving the protein level in the body and helps in the formation of red blood cells and also assists in the production of folic acid in the intestinal areas. PABA is made use in the sunscreen preparation and helps in the protection of skin from the ultra-violet radiations.

Para-aminobenzoic acid acts as an intermediary in the bacterial synthesis of folate. The presence of sulfonamides is chemically equal to PABA and their antibacterial activity helps in the capability of interfering with the conversion of PABA to folate by dihydropteroate synthetase and adequate use by the bacteria.

In the olden days, para-aminobenzoic acid has been extensively used as a UV filter for sunscreen formulations. Researches have proved that PABA helps in the increased formation of a particular DNA defect in the human cells and thereby increases the chance of skin cancer. To prevent from the risk of skin cancer usage of more effective derivative of PABA called as octyl dimethyl PABA helps from the prevention of disease.

POTABA is used as a potassium salt in the drug against fibrotic skin disorders. Persons suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and gastrointestinal symptoms consume para-aminobenzoic acid in the form of tablets. This tablet helps in the treatment of determination of urinary sodium, potassium and nitrogen levels done in the nutritional epidemiological studies. PABA is made use by the manufacturers like esters, folic acid and azo dyes.

Para-aminobenzoic acid has been linked to the hair growth and as well as the graying of hair. Individuals suffering from the diseases like vitiligo, over-pigmentation of skin and pigment in some sports have intimated that the usage of PABA have derived best results. This enzyme also helps in the breakage of protein, production of red blood cells and maintenance of intestinal flora. Reduction in the level of PABA leads to short supply, fatigue, nervousness, irritability and depression.

Weeping eczema is also considered as a deficiency of para-aminobenzoic acid. Usage of higher grade of (SPF) 8 leads to the reduction in the manufacture of vitamin D in the body. Excessive quantities of PABA in the body may lead to liver damage. Vitamin A, B and folic acids forms the basis of para-aminobenzoic acid. People using antibiotic drugs for a long period require the existence of more PABA in the body. Pregnant women derive that the consumption of increased quantity of para-aminobenzoic acid leads to fertility.